Tuesday, March 18, 2008

For your Information...

How Stuff Works has the great challenge off providing alot of information about a range of subjects in a uniform way. While articles are still simple- consiting of a combination of links, images and text- they are structured well, with key points at the start- links directly to the information you were looking for- and very clear diagrams. You don't have to be a web designer to make a clear and effective webpage.

Choice is quite alot like How Stuff Works, as it provides alot of information about alot of different subjects in a clear, accessible and straightforward way. If you don't know, Choice is a independent product analysis company- that helps consumers choose the right product, and informs them on what to look for. Its a great resource for anyone which wants to make a sizable investment in a washing machine or laptop- but also want there investment to be an informed one as well. It makes use of simple colour schemes, tables, bold text, bullet points clear links and summary headers. It also provides a shorter version of most articles so people can just get a general idea of what to look for. Its nothing flash- but looks good, just makes great use of basic information principles that have existed within the medium of print for quite sometime.

Instructables is a brilliant site. It provides a template for people to produce how to guides for the DIY kind of guy. It could be a simple guide to painting on your guitar or a far complicated one like making your own drawing tablet. It does it by providing tools and resources for the writer of the guide- to create an effective guide. Its all so very web 2.o.

Put what in the textbox-hootannaany?

Information/Instructional design, like interactive design- is at the core of how this all works. The web is full of unlimited amount of information- the concern being that its not presented as effectively as it could be. You'll always have the troubled programmers which sit at home all day cracking away at the web for info on that really complicated action script that some guy in some forum was talking about- ages ago, but you can't remember cause at the time you just wanted to find out about the launch date of the new Flash. It can be a real skill to find the information that your looking for right away in the web world.

The web 2.o has alot of new tools for dealing with these challenges- some we have already talked about like wikis and youtube- others more development based- like CSS, RSS feeds and Flash. They all offer dynamic ways of presenting information in an easy practical way- that makes using the web alot more enjoyable and practical. Though its still worthy to note- that since almost anyone can make a website- almost anyone does, and they can be really bad ones too. There are still alot of random .html geocites webpages drifting around- your not out of the woods yet...

Check out the next post for some good Informational and Instructional sites

Interactive Design on the Web

Since the advent of flash the interaction experience thats occurs on the internet has improved drastically allowing for dynmaic experiences with sound, movement, type and colour. Check out these experiences...

The Good Food Fight is great example of the ability flash has for extending the experience we can have on the internet. Imagine having a food fight with a chef who runs around your web page- hiding behind RSS feeds and Menu Bars. Don't imagine- just hit the link.

Sketch Swap is another great of site showcasing the simple ability of flash to provide an interaction experience on the world wide web. Basically you draw a drawing- when your done, its submitted and then you get to watch someone else draw up whatever they drew. Simple. But a great way to procrastinate.

Graffiti archeology
poses a unique way of looking at a unique art form. Once again- by the powers of flash, you can step back in time and watch the progress of a series of walls as they follows the due course of any graffiti hotspot. Which is all very interesting- but the main point is that this is an experience that we wouldn't be able to have without this shift in change of technology and perspectives on how the web works- brought in by Web 2.o.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Links to inter-activity

It's kinda of exciting- in a nerdy little way- to muse about the future applications of good interactive design. To sort of wonder and dream about the direction of interaction/interactivity technology, just to imagine the way people will be using fridges, cars, phones and newspapers.

Already its easy for anyone familiar with common technology devices such as doorbells and laptops to see ways to improve the functionality and experience you can have with it. It might be simple little things like you wish the off button was in a different space, or the menu was a slightly different colour. Alternatively you could have quite an imagination, and your really hanging out for the totally outlandish laptops with built in projectors, that produce images you could interact with, or doorbells which are actual animated doorknobs, that talk- ala' harry potter or Disney.

Those are all exciting probability's for the future of technology and interaction design- but the most exciting thing to keep in mind is that the technology required for such things- tiny LED projectors, holographic projectors, decent voice recognition software, feedback response systems- they are already here- and if there not well- give them another 5 years.

We have the technology- we just need the insight and creativity to apply it. Plus maybe a bit of money too.

Interactive Design- A defintion

To design with interactivity in mind- is to design without wasting your time. To illustrate this point simply consider this. When you write to any degree, one thing you generally do is check your spelling and your grammar. Small corrections of word choice, spelling and grammar usage can make the process of reading your work actually feasible (at the extremes)- or just more enjoyable and natural.

At its essence, the process of such editing is what I would call interaction design. By looking beyond and evaluating the actually process of how people will interact with this extension of yourself (what ever medium it is)- helps explores its functionality on a much higher and sometimes more obscure plane of design. And really a fundamental one.

So to really bring it home- interaction design is the mentality that you should apply to anything you make from now on. You make a batch of cookies- put them in a cookie jar, so its clear their cookies! Don't put them in a container next to the dry dog food- it will dampen the approach, and anyones chance of eating them.

Or maybe more practical- next time you finish your next indesign file- print it out, and watch your mum, your dad- maybe even your dog, just read and interact with it. Do they gloss over the small- but actually really important text? Spend more time looking at the really colorful cover as opposed to the very plain contents page? Do they even know what its trying to tell them? Its this end user approach which in the end- will make you a better designer, writer or even cookie baker!

Where do I go to find Web 2.0

Youtube- really the most prominent of the second generation web developments, as it in bodies all of the features that have created the experience now know as Web 2.o. It allows for people to upload a unlimited amount of short films, interviews, animations, documentary's, clips or feature films- everything and anything. It has made people re-think about the way we can communicate- and subsequently the follow of information. One interesting feature is that you can link your videos to other ones- generating a sort of forum of video responses and a development.

Wikipedia puts faith in the masses. The idea behind it is that by providing people with the resources to create "wikis"- (it's a " software that allows users to easily create, edit, and link pages together. Wikis are often used to create collaborative websites and to power community websites."- according to wikipedia) that they could develop a ever growing and outrageously comprehensive encyclopedia. Some question the ease of being able to change content- others applaud it. It will be interesting to watch the development of this Web 2.0 example.

Myspace was one of the first web 2.0 sites to introduce social networking to the internet. It gave people a space on the web- almost like a home. It was a way for people to a bring a face to the name, or even a person to the name. You can still learn alot by looking at someones myspace profile- some parents admit to learning more about there kids from there myspace page then talking to them. Its place on the web is quite contested- as its looks and feel of the site could be improved.

Monday, March 3, 2008

The future (version 2.0)

The Internet has done amazing things- but its really the revolution of the way we interact with the Internet which continues to amaze me. The way I use the internet, and the possibilities it provides me are really just stunning when you sit back and compare it to what communication was less then 40 years ago. It really comes down to the evolution of the Web and the way the people have been shaping it as it has slow shifted to a communication tool for the US Army to what people today refer to as Web2.0. But its no technological revolution- no, more of a social revolution, a new ages of interaction between each other- between myself...

...and you.

Luckily I don't have to argue much with you to accept this prestigious award, The Times have written extensively on why you deserve it- just check out why here.

Oh- and congratulations- you do deserve it.

But what you do need to figure out- is what Web 2.0 actually is. Right? Well once again i'll let someone else do the work for you- Stephen Fry, who writes a column about technology in the British Guardian newspaper, describes Web 2.0 as:

"...an idea in people's heads rather than a reality. It’s actually an idea that the reciprocity between the user and the provider is what's emphasised. In other words, genuine interactivity, if you like, simply because people can upload as well as download"

Its the shift of information from your text based html geocities websites- to your flash based forums which video links to youtube and img. links to Flickr. Its about pushing the way the interaction flows and the way that you interact with others.

Now- just look at that quote you just read- the Stephen Fry one. Somebody actually did go and do a little work for you with that quote- not just me. Somebody (might of been good old Stephen) spent a minute linking the line of quote and referencing it just as I'm doing for you now but instead-in a Wikipedia article on Web 2.0.

Now if you wanted to you could make a short animation expanding on Stephen statement and post on youtube. You could also just write about it in your blog if you had hours to spare. The point is- you have quite a number of avenues for interaction with an information in any context on the internet. Or even of it. Its mindblowing when you think about it.

And really thats what Web2.0 is- the extension of the internet as a means of context for a whole new level of interaction and movement of information between anyone and everyone through sites like Myspace, Youtube, Facebook, Wikipedia and even Google.

Theres a good chance you've used some of these web2.o sites- if your as web savvy as the average Uni student is these days. But if not- i might elaborate on them for you in the near future. But till then, remain content. The future is bright- and its shall be very, very, very, interesting.